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Wanted for sale

Te koop gevraagd - Lyklema Fine Art

We are always looking for beautiful original works. In addition to the artists we have previously purchased, we are always interested in works by the Dutch artists below. If you would like to offer it to us or sell it through us, we would be very pleased to hear from you. We will transparently arrive at a great price that makes everyone happy. You can also contact us if you have works by these artists that you would like to have appraised. Of course, with discretion and love for the paintings and the art of living. We are looking for works by the following artists, among others. (we have written a biography of the underlined painters).

Jan Altink, Floris Arnzenitius, Jits Bakker, Hans van BartelsChris BeekmanGerrit Benner, Kees van Bohemen, Ans van den Berg, Siep van den BergHerman Berserik, Herman Bieling, Theo BitterAd Blok van der Velden, Paul Bodifee, Hessel de BoerBram Bogart, Felecien Bobeldijk, Wim Bosma, George Hendrik Breitner, Cornelis Breman, Kees van Dongen, Jaap Dooijewaard, Erasmus van der Dulmen-Krumpelman, Johan Dijkstra, Jaap Egmond, Carl FahringerAlbert FiksDirk Filarski, Willy Fleur, Klaas GubbelsLeo Gestel, Maurice Goth, Jan van Heel, Bob ten Hoope, Matthieu Horrix, Adrianus Groenewegen, Ferdinand Hart-Nibbrig, Jan KorthalsJo Koster van HattemPieter van der Hem, Raoul Huynckes, Josef IsraelsIsaac Lazarus Israels, J.A. de Jonge, Willem de KooningJoop KropffHarrie Kuyten, Ger Lataster, Bart van der Leck, Georges Lemmen, Lou Loeber, Adriaan Lubbers, Harry Maas, Kees Maks, Marie Henrie MackenzieJan MankesJacob Maris, George MartensRaoul Martinez, Johan Hendrik van MastenbroekAnton Mauve, Piet Moget, Piet Mondriaan, Martin Monnickendam, Gerhard Morgenstjerne MuntheJaap Nanninga, Willem van der Nat, Jacob Nieweg, Cor NolteeWim Oepts, Jan Ouwersloot, Charlotte van Pallandt, Evert Pieters, Joop Polder, Johan Thorn Prikker, Adriaan de la Riviere, Suze RobertsonAnthonie Pieter Schotel, Wim Schuhmacher, Jan Sierhuis, William Singer, Ferry SlebeJan Sluijters, Willy SluiterDirk Smorenberg, Gerard Johan Staller, Willem Steelink, Theo Swagemakers, Elly TammingaWillem Bas TholenCharley TooropHendrik ValkGeer van Velde, Floris VersterKees VerweyBen Viegers, Leendert van der Vlist, Jan Voerman Sr. Jan Voerman Jr., Jannes de Vries, Nicolaas van der Waay, Jan Wiegers, Matthieu WiegmanPiet van Wijngaerdt, Hendrik Jan Wolter, Rik Wouters, Jan van der Zee, Arie Zwart en Willem Zwart

Modern painting

And of course all kinds of other artists born between 1860 and 1940. We find Romanticism, Art Nouveau, (post)impressionism, luminism, pointilism, but also fauvism, expressionism and realism more than fascinating. We are happy to be your partner for modern painting. We drift away a bit from Dadaism, abstract expressionism and surrealism. The artist who manages to capture something in a watercolor receives applause in advance.
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