Still lifes in art are timeless. For example, look at Van Dijck's Cheese Board, Valleyer's Lobster, Coortes' Asparagus, Gauguin's ham, or Helmantel's beautiful works. Tjalf Sparnaay (1954) can also do something by painting as if you were (almost) looking at a photo. The canvas was probably well prepared with Gesso, made super smooth and then painted color by color, in oil paint. His paintings refer to the still life tradition of the 17th century, but are blown up to mega dimensions, using photo-realistic techniques. Sparnaay's painting style is called megarealism and can be classified as hyperrealism.

The perfectly fried egg
A fried egg can only be eaten one way. And that is with runny egg yolk and preferably without too 'snotty' egg white. How do we make that? Make sure you have a super warm pan, not too hot, in which the butter or oil is already bubbling slightly. The moment you break an egg into the pan, the egg white will not fully solidify. Fry for a few minutes but don't turn over because then the egg yolk will also solidify and you don't want that. Also don't use a lid because it makes the egg yolk blind. What you need to do is scoop the hot oil or butter from the pan and drizzle it over the egg white. This is how you get the perfect egg. This is called arrosing; a cooking technique in which you pour hot fat or oil from the pan over what is frying in the pan. In this way, the egg - in this case - cooks, not only by the heat of the pan, but also by the hot oil or butter on the egg. The hot oil sets the egg white, but leaves the egg yolk intact. In contrast to Sparnaay's egg, it will be slightly less glassy.