Warhol co-founded the pop art movement as a response to abstract expressionism. Warhol also explores the language of mass culture with simple colors with the violets. Flowers belongs to a series based on the hibiscus; an iconic symbol for pure love. The flowers here are more reminiscent of advertisements. In the late 1960s, Warhol began to paint less and make more use of the process-based style of screen printing that brought him fame.
Edible flowers on your plate. Use them as a garnish, to spice up your dish, to brighten up your salad, or – less obvious – as an addition to your tea, dessert or cake.
Salad with flowers
Take any green salad and garnish with for example:
East Indian Cherry
Pansies of small tricolor violets
Season with sumac, lemongrass, salt, pepper, mint and white balsamic vinegar and olive oil. You can also add fruit such as strawberries.