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Stew of a goat

Stew of a goat - Lyklema Fine Art

Mankes made fantastic tranquil paintings that look like a drawing. He often made works with goats. It inspired us to eat something different than what we normally find in the supermarket. A goat meat stew. It matters what kind of goat meat you use. A suckling lamb (capretto) of about 10 weeks old has a soft structure and taste. A goat (Chevon, about six months old) has also been fed roughage and has more structure and taste. You can also use capra select for stews, which has the strongest goat flavor. For the first time we chose a goat.

Cut the goat meat and leave the fat a little, because that gives it flavor. Make a marinade of cumin, coriander, ginger and paprika powder and turmeric and some chili pepper, salt and pepper and a large spoonful of honey and mix with the meat and let it sit for an hour.

Fry some garlic and onion and add the marinated meat and turn on. Then add tomato passata, some cinnamon, juice and grated zest of half a lemon, some dried apricots in pieces and half a liter of lamb stock. Let the meat simmer over a low heat, about 1 to 1.5 hours, until it is tender. Put this in a tagine or add stock regularly. When everything is soft and done, add some extra honey, salt and pepper and some extra lemon juice. Serve with couscous with raisins and some nuts and some flat bread. (thanks for inspiration

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