Moricz (Maurice) Goth (Avdo Hungary 1873-1944 Amsterdam) was a cosmopolitan. He was the son of a wealthy landowner who insisted on studying law. During a visit to Munich in 1893, he decided to become an artist and took lessons from his compatriot Simon Hollósy, who ran a private academy there. He then attended the academies of Vienna, Paris and Bruges and traveled to the United States in 1913. In Munich he met his wife Ada, who also painted. From Panne in Belgium, where he stayed with his family in 1914, he fled to the neutral Netherlands at the outbreak of the war and ended up in Middelburg and Domburg where they ended up in the painters' colony of Jan Toorop. A multitude of styles was characteristic of the painters who exhibited in Domburg between 1911 and 1921. Naturalism was found next to impressionism, neo-impressionism, luminism, cubism and expressionism. Goth remained predominantly an impressionist, albeit often with a luminist and also expressionist touch. In 1920, Maurice and Ada Góth made plans to return to Hungary. They settled in a village near Budapest, but would not stay there; they did travel back there in the winter. In 1929 the Góth family settled in Veere.
He drew and painted - also in watercolor - smoothly and colorful beaches, harbors (Zeeland), flowers, portraits, figures, animals (horses) and landscapes in an impressionist style. In addition to being a painter and draftsman, he was also a sculptor. He was awarded the Hungarian Prix de Rome and received several other honors. Goth was a member of Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam. His works are included in the collections of the Gemeentemuseum, the Centraal Museum and the Drents Museum. Ada rarely painted after her marriage, Móricz, now Maurice, even more so. 'Góth was the delicate painter of nature, with a touch of melancholy. He lacked all externality, all deliberateness and artificiality. His art was purely lyrical and in absolute harmony with his temperament. This artist painted from his feelings, powerfully, carefully, with directness and charming simplicity. As if his brush was laying down each key with a silent hand and a beating heart at the same time! '. With Ada he had a daughter, painter Sarika Goth, who was born in Vienna and also started painting in Domburg. In 1943 he was forced to move to Amsterdam where he died in 1944.